This is for a flash game, with isometric view. I need to know how to sort object so that there is no need for z-buffer checking when drawing. This might seem easy but there is another restriction, a scene can have 10,000+ objects so the algorithm needs to be run in less than O(n^2). All objects are rectangular boxes, and there are 3-4 objects moving in the scene. What's the best way to do this?
in each tile there is only object (I mean objects can not stack on top of each other). and we access to both map of Objects and Objects have their own position.
see these figures:
in first one first blue object should be drawn then green then red. while in second one you have to draw them in reverse order. you need to draw red first and then green and finally blue object. as you can see there is no difference in position of blue and red objects ,they both have different distance from camera and so on. but because of their relative position to green box, you need to change their draw order between two images. that's what makes this problem a mess.
side-note: since all objects are rectangular prism, it's mathematically provable that there is at-least one draw order to satisfy problem needs.