What are some good examples of procedural or screen-space pixel shader effects? No code is necessary; I'm just looking for inspiration.
In particular, I'm looking for effects that are not dependent on geometry or the rest of the scene (so they would look okay rendered alone on a quad) and are not based on image processing (they don't require a "base image," though they can incorporate textures). Multi-pass or single-pass is fine. Screenshots or videos would be ideal, but ideas work too.
Here are a few examples of what I'm looking for (all from the RenderMonkey samples): alt text http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pXcNg_0EPZVzwu1T84a4Yek373x8062rhrNCA7UcftTjCkeiY-5uAuJiBYY29x2E53p5MO-uMA8FmEquvxsPCkA/effect1.jpg?psid=1alt text http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p_5Lx7BdjFyFRBkbcc0WakAT7Q-99fVcFOxmTXBbG4VtoFzC0UfAj51eSnE7ZOD84EYL2Y51HhMS2nWsohhn1mQ/effect2.jpg?psid=1 alt text http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p_5Lx7BdjFyE3KhYtHe-Cdg7XuXcJ9Ou-GKzED-kZnzACyB5ypA6NSCfsYfuKa0h3ztoDRwwq9qBddX2OfG0fhg/effect3.jpg?psid=1alt text http://nv3wrg.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p1iHFwf-wytDo8HlTJca8RfckA-iTKgvLiJm0t9iz3S35YgeEnt99NMjKDgotxa3Bv90wAhOYLabzx2Sd3LoEH2Hs76WR1vFM/effect5.jpg?psid=1
I'm aware of this question; I'm not asking for a source of actual shader implementations but instead for some inspirational ideas -- and the ones at the NVIDIA Shader Library mostly require a scene or are image processing effects.