My OpenGL scene has objects that are positioned at ridiculously far distances away from the origin. When I view these objects, and pan/rotate/zoom a camera around them, they 'jitter'. That is, the vertices comprising the objects seem to snap around an imaginary 3d grid of points. I've read this is a common problem because of the amount of information that can be stored using floating point precision (which OpenGL, and pretty much everything else uses). I don't get why this happens though.
When searching for a solution, I came across the very simple 'floating origin' fix, and it seems to work. I just transform everything so my objects are in the same relative positions but whatever my camera's looking at is close to the origin. I found an explanation here:, but I couldn't follow it.
So...Could someone explain why positioning my scene very far away (say 10 million units) from the origin results in the erratic behaviour I observed? And also why moving it close to the origin fixes the problem?