I'm making a GUI that can be controlled by a steering wheel. It need only run on Windows.
It works as expected with exception of the fact that the first 90 degrees in either direction seems to be treated like a dead zone. If I write out axis values as I move the steering wheel, I see nothing until 90 degrees, then it reads as normal - starting from near-zero @ +/- 90 degrees and linearly increasing to +/- 1.0 at the stops (so it's not like it's suppressing the first 90 degrees - it seems to not read until +/- 90 degrees).
I've tried two different high-end steering wheels, both behave the same. Neither have dead zones when using them in driving games.
I'm using PyJoystick which uses SDL2.
Is there a way to control the steering wheel dead zone in PyJoystick or SDL2?
Super basic code example:
import pyjoystick
from pyjoystick.sdl2 import Joystick, run_event_loop
def __joystickKeyReceived(key):
print (f"received: {key}: {key.value}")
j = Joystick(0) # 0 is index to the steering wheel. `j.name` will show if you've got the correct joystick
mngr = pyjoystick.ThreadEventManager(event_loop=run_event_loop, handle_key_event=__joystickKeyReceived)
input("Press Enter to exit")
Running the above while turning the wheel will print out something like (after moving past +/- 90 degrees, anyway):
revcevied: -Axis 0: -0.01163500419623105
revcevied: -Axis 0: -0.030060273136491913
revcevied: -Axis 0: -0.037575341420614874
revcevied: -Axis 0: -0.03330281528953989
of note: there is no noticeable dead zone when using this same code with, say, an XBox controller connected to the PC.
pyjoystick is available through pip - pip install pyjoystick
Digging through pyJoystick, it includes an "sdl2" module which defines the Joystick class. Joystick has a base class in the "interface" module (the base class is also called "Joystick"). The base class sets a variable called "deadband" that defaults to 0.2.
0.2 * 900 = 180. 180 degrees is the dead zone I'm seeing on both of my 900 degree wheels
That base class also has get_deadband and set_deadband methods. Both of which seem to do change the value of a class variable called "deadband", but behavior is not changed.
However, if I change the default value of 0.2 to, say, 0.01, then the dead zone nearly goes away.
So it appears that there's a problem with the implementation of PyJoystick that's preventing the set_deadband method from working as expected (either that, or I'm missing a step).
I'm leaving this question unanswered to see if anyone else has an idea of how to set deadband without modifying default values in the library.