I'm trying to add Lua for scripting to my C++ game engine, which is based on ECS, and I have a rough idea of what I want to do (is it good? probably not) but trying to actually execute it has been rather challenging. The idea I had in mind was allowing scripts to be able to access any entity and their component, so the goal is to have something like this.
local playerEntity = scene:GetEntity("Player")
local playerMoveComponent = playerEntity.Mover
function Update(deltaTime)
if input.isKeyDown("w") then
-- or
playerMoveComponent.x = 5
The problem is I don't exactly know how to achieve this syntax with sol2 also, my ECS is heavily templated which I just learned makes it difficult to do bindings. For my ECS structure I have a EntityManager
I suppose this would be my database which stores the components, components inherit from an interface IComponent
, and entities are just a class with an id. if it helps explain things better here's the EntityManager
class EntityManager {
void startUp();
void shutDown();
void update(float timestep);
Entity newEntity(const std::string& name = "unnamed entity");
void destroyEntity(Entity entity);
bool alive(Entity entity);
Entity getEntityByName(const std::string& name);
template <typename TComponent, typename... TArgs>
void addComponent(Entity entity, TArgs&&... args);
template <typename TComponent>
void removeComponent(Entity entity);
template <typename TComponent>
TComponent& getComponent(Entity entity);
template <typename TComponent>
bool hasComponent(Entity entity);
// ...
int nextEntityId = 0;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ISystem>> systems;
std::unordered_map<int, bool> entityAlive;
std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::unordered_map<int, std::shared_ptr<void>>> components;