When animating a 3D model, we want the surface of the model to remain continuous (such that, for instance, the limbs do not seem to slide on the torso, but stay attached at their position).
In a triangle-based mesh, this is easy since the edges of mesh preserve where a limb gets attached to torso. In fact, preserving the volumetric properties becomes the tricky part, to ensure that faces don't end up intersecting each other, etc.
However, in an SDF, while the volumetric properties get preserved automatically, the surface properties do not. Instead of the character looking like a creature with stretchable skin than holds their muscles and bones inside, it looks like a cloud whose various volumes can slide in, out or around upon movement.
What are the ways that skeletal animation can be applied to Signed Distance Fields, if any? If there are none, what alternative to skeletal animation might be used to achieve same effect?