I'm working on a basic Vulkan renderer that's presently relying on Win32 raw mouse input for camera pitch and yaw. It's all very basic, but what I've noticed is that at higher frame rates, I'm accumulating fewer "points" of movement with comparable gestures of the mouse than I do at lower frame rates. This manifests as fewer degrees of rotation for the camera for a given amount of mouse input.
message will propagate the lLastX
and lLastY
values out via my event system untouched. The window receiving these messages is DPI aware (I've got 150% scaling on my development machine).
auto const *input = reinterpret_cast<::RAWINPUT *>(_raw_message);
switch(input->header.dwType) {
auto const &mouse = input->data.mouse;
if(mouse.lLastX != 0 || mouse.lLastY != 0) {
And the game code just adds those values to the camera's tracked pitch and yaw angles, accounting for frame time and a base movement speed. This camera setup is basically identical to that from the LearnOpenGL camera chapter.
void Demo::update() {
auto const mouse_speed = _cam_data.mouse_speed * Timekeeper::frametime();
_cam_data.pitch += _mouse.y_offset * mouse_speed;
_cam_data.yaw += _mouse.x_offset * mouse_speed;
_mouse.y_offset = 0;
_mouse.x_offset = 0;
if(_cam_data.pitch > 89.9f) { _cam_data.pitch = 89.9f; }
else if(_cam_data.pitch < -89.9f) { _cam_data.pitch = -89.9f; }
auto const cos_yaw = std::cosf(math::radians(_cam_data.yaw));
auto const sin_yaw = std::sinf(math::radians(_cam_data.yaw));
auto const cos_pitch = std::cosf(math::radians(_cam_data.pitch));
auto const sin_pitch = std::sinf(math::radians(_cam_data.pitch));
_cam_data.forward.x = cos_yaw * cos_pitch;
_cam_data.forward.y = sin_pitch;
_cam_data.forward.z = sin_yaw * cos_pitch;
_cam_data.forward = math::normalize(_cam_data.forward);
_cam_data.side = math::normalize(
math::cross(_cam_data.forward, Vec4::unit_y)
_cam_data.up = math::cross(_cam_data.side, _cam_data.forward);
auto const kb_speed = _cam_data.kb_speed * Timekeeper::frametime();
if(_kb.w) { _cam_data.pos += _cam_data.forward * kb_speed; }
else if(_kb.s) { _cam_data.pos -= _cam_data.forward * kb_speed; }
if(_kb.a) { _cam_data.pos -= _cam_data.side * kb_speed; }
else if(_kb.d) { _cam_data.pos += _cam_data.side * kb_speed; }
_vp_matrices.view = _persp_camera.view_matrix();
_vp_matrices.proj = _persp_camera.proj_matrix();
In this case, _cam_data.mouse_speed
happens to be 5.0f
. Nothing too fancy. I expect to achieve a similar visual movement for a similar mouse input regardless of frame rate.
So what am I fundamentally misunderstanding here? (Arithmetic, you say? Of course.) Shouldn't sampling once per frame, then multiplying by the frame time account for the different values one gets for the increased polling rate? Or is there more OS faffery behind the scenes? I've used raw mouse input several times in past projects, but it appears I only ever tested with vsync on. Or I was doing something different, but I can't track that difference down myself.
Just to drive the arithmetic point home, I see that if I multiply the WM_INPUT
mouse positions by a fixed value (rather than the frame time) higher frame rates create faster camera movement. Surely there's a simple(r?) solution to divorce the frame rate from the rotation rate.