In our workflow we use a Screen Space - Overlay
canvas for UI
The only problem with it is that you can't change it's position (The values are driven by the Canvas component) and it's left-bottom corner is in the world position (0,0,0).
The issue it creates is that in the scene view we usually create the game objects around (0,0,0) (player, levels etc.) and because of the canvas sitting there, it most of the time blocks our mouse raycasts (we can't click on the world objects) - see below.
To be specific, I'm not talking about the Canvas blocking raycasts in Game View/Play Mode but in the Scene view in the editor:
When I click on the cube the overlay canvas captures my click and selects the canvas, not the cube. Because of that we have to make weird tricks (disabling the canvas manually when we build the levels etc.).
You can't change the component's position at all:
Is there any way to somehow move the Overlay Canvas away from (0,0,0) in the Scene View?