if I look at a populated matrix in my program I see the translation components occupying the 4th, 8th and 12th elements.
Before I begin, it's important to understand: this means your matrices are row major. Therefore, you answer to this question:
my column major WVP matrix is used successfully to transform vertices with the HLSL call: mul(vector,matrix) which should result in the vector being treated as row-major, so how can the column major matrix provided by my math library work?
is quite simple: your matrices are row-major.
So many people use row-major or transposed matrices, that they forget that matrices are not naturally oriented that way. So they see a translation matrix as this:
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
x y z 1
This is a transposed translation matrix. That is not what a normal translation matrix looks like. The translation goes in the 4th column, not the fourth row. Sometimes, you even see this in textbooks, which is utter garbage.
It's easy to know whether a matrix in an array is row or column-major. If it's row-major, then the translation is stored in the 3, 7, and 11th indices. If it's column-major, then the translation is stored in the 12, 13, and 14th indices. Zero-base indices of course.
Your confusion stems from believing that you're using column-major matrices when you're in fact using row-major ones.
The statement that row vs. column major is a notational convention only is entirely true. The mechanics of matrix multiplication and matrix/vector multiplication are the same regardless of the convention.
What changes is the meaning of the results.
A 4x4 matrix after all is just a 4x4 grid of numbers. It doesn't have to refer to a change of coordinate system. However, once you assign meaning to a particular matrix, you now need to know what is stored in it and how to use it.
Take the translation matrix I showed you above. That's a valid matrix. You could store that matrix in a float[16]
in one of two ways:
float row_major_t[16] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, z, 1};
float column_major_t[16] = {1, 0, 0, x, 0, 1, 0, y, 0, 0, 1, z, 0, 0, 0, 1};
However, I said that this translation matrix is wrong, because the translation is in the wrong place. I specifically said that it is transposed relative to the standard convention for how to build translation matrices, which ought to look like this:
1 0 0 x
0 1 0 y
0 0 1 z
0 0 0 1
Let's look at how these are stored:
float row_major[16] = {1, 0, 0, x, 0, 1, 0, y, 0, 0, 1, z, 0, 0, 0, 1};
float column_major[16] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, z, 1};
Notice that column_major
is exactly the same as row_major_t
. So, if we take a proper translation matrix, and store it as column-major, it is the same as transposing that matrix and storing it as row-major.
That is what is meant by being only a notational convention. There are really two sets of conventions: memory storage and transposition. Memory storage is column vs row major, while transposition is normal vs. transposed.
If you have a matrix that was generated in row-major order, you can get the same effect by transposing the column-major equivalent of that matrix. And vice-versa.
Matrix multiplication can only be done one way: given two matrices, in a specific order, you multiply certain values together and store the results. Now, A*B != B*A
, but the actual source code for A*B
is the same as the code for B*A
. They both run the same code to compute the output.
The matrix multiplication code does not care whether the matrices happen to be stored in column-major or row-major order.
The same cannot be said for vector/matrix multiplication. And here's why.
Vector/matrix multiplication is a falsehood; it cannot be done. However, you can multiply a matrix by another matrix. So if you pretend a vector is a matrix, then you can effectively do vector/matrix multiplication, simply by doing matrix/matrix multiplication.
A 4D vector can be considered a column-vector or a row-vector. That is, a 4D vector can be thought of as a 4x1 matrix (remember: in matrix notation, the row count comes first) or a 1x4 matrix.
But here's the thing: Given two matrices A and B, A*B
is only defined if the number of columns of A is the same as the number of rows of B. Therefore, if A is our 4x4 matrix, B must be a matrix with 4 rows in it. Therefore, you cannot perform A*x
, where x is a row-vector. Similarly, you cannot perform x*A
where x is a column-vector.
Because of this, most matrix math libraries make this assumption: if you multiply a vector times a matrix, you really mean to do the multiplication that actually works, not the one that makes no sense.
Let us define, for any 4D vector x, the following. C
shall be the column-vector matrix form of x
, and R
shall be the row-vector matrix form of x
. Given this, for any 4x4 matrix A, A*C
represents matrix multiplying A by the column-vector x
. And R*A
represents matrix multiplying the row-vector x
by A.
But if we look at this using strict matrix math, we see that these are not equivalent. R*A
cannot be the same as A*C
. This is because a row-vector is not the same thing as a column-vector. They're not the same matrix, so they do not produce the same results.
However, they are related in one way. It is true that R != C
. However, it is also true that R = CT
, where T is the transpose operation. The two matrices are transposes of each other.
Here's a funny fact. Since vectors are treated as matrices, they too have a column vs. row-major storage question. The problem is that they both look the same. The array of floats is the same, so you can't tell the difference between R and C just by looking at the data. The only way to tell the difference is by how they are used.
If you have any two matrices A and B, and A is stored as row-major and B as column-major, multiplying them is completely meaningless. You get nonsense as a result. Well, not really. Mathematically, what you get is the equivalent of doing AT*B
. Or A*BT
; they're mathematically identical.
Therefore, matrix multiplication only makes sense if the two matrices (and remember: vector/matrix multiplication is just matrix multiplication) are stored in the same major ordering.
So, is a vector column-major or row-major? It is both and neither, as stated before. It is column major only when it is used as a column matrix, and it is row major when it is used as a row matrix.
Therefore, if you have a matrix A which is column major, x*A
means... nothing. Well, again, it means x*AT
, but that's not what you really wanted. Similarly, A*x
does transposed multiplication if A
is row-major.
Therefore, the order of vector/matrix multiplication does change, depending on your major ordering of the data (and whether you're using transposed matrices).
Why in the following snippet of code does r != r2
Because your code is broken and buggy. Mathematically, A * (B * C) == (CT * BT) * AT
. If you do not get this result, then either your equality test is wrong (floating-point precision issues) or your matrix multiplication code is broken.
why does pos3 != pos for
Because that doesn't make sense. The only way for A * t == AT * t
to be true would be if A == AT
. And that is only true of symmetric matrices.