I've been having an issue for months now where if I have a dynamic bone chain that splits off in any way (ie. any of the chain's bones have child gameobjects), then the flow of the dynamic bone chain becomes completely disconnected and seems to do something akin to ignoring weight painting. This is hard to explain through text, so I've linked images of before and after I added a child gameobject to one of the bones in a dynamic bone chain.
Behavior without gameobject interrupting Dynamic Bone Chain:
Behavior WITH gameobject under one bone in the Dynamic Bone Chain:
This is the block of settings I have available to edit with my existing Dynamic Bone script:
This model is intended to be imported as a functional "Hand Puppet" avatar into VRchat, therefore any major project-side changes to the Unity physics engine will not be carried over in-game. VRchat has blacklisted most scripts for their game with the exceptions of Rigidbodies/Fixed Joints, Constraints, Dynamic Bones, Audio Sources, and some limited functions of Final IK.
As a brief explanation, the reason there are two white lines signifying Dynamic Bone behavior in my screenshots is that I have applied Dynamic Bone roots to two bones on the model's skeleton so that their behavior compounds to create a more fluid and natural motion (at the cost of some performance). My posted concern occurs no matter how many/few dynamic bone components are applied as long as there is at least one component on the chain.
I'm using Unity 2018.4.20f1.
I have tried countless methods involving constraints, Blender work, revised armatures, updating dynamic bones, etc, but this issue persists no matter what.
How can I fix this problem?