This can be achieved in multiple ways. The simplest is probably to calculate your vector as movement into the x-direction as you showed us in your question:
v_x = \begin{bmatrix}x\\\sin(x)\end{bmatrix}
Now you simply multiply the vector with a rotation matrix:
v = \begin{bmatrix}\cos(\alpha)&-sin(\alpha)\\\sin(\alpha)&\cos(\alpha)\end{bmatrix} \cdot s \cdot v_x
Here, \$s\$ is the movement speed and \$\alpha\$ the angle between your x-axis and the vector pointing into the actual movement direction you want to move in.
However, it gets a little bit more complicated if you want the object to be able to change its direction. You can do this as follows:
p_{N+1} = p_N + s \cdot v_d + a \cdot \sin(w)\cdot v_{offset}
\$p_N\$ is the current position and \$p_{N+1}\$ the next position. \$v_d\$ is your current movement direction vector. It must be of length 1! So always normalize this vector. \$v_{offset}\$ is a vector orthogonal to your movement direction. You can get it by multiplying it with a \$90°\$ rotation matrix. In 2d, you just need to exchange the x and y values of \$v_d\$ and add a minus sign to one of both values. The variable \$w\$ is an arbitrary value that changes over time or while moving and \$a\$ is the amplitude of the sine wave.
The part \$s \cdot v_d + a \cdot \sin(w)\cdot v_{offset}\$ is the velocity vector that you wan to use in your move
This is basically the same as DMGregorys answer.