
I am working on a game tutorial right now and I need to freeze constraints for a model prefab. I add a Rigidbody component and I want to freeze rotations on the x and z axes. However, I am not able to find the option in the component. Is there another way to access rotation constraints (I do not want to code the constraints at the moment)? Or is there something I am missing in the new version. Please do let me know. Thanks

Rigidbody component. It does not have the constraints option here at all!

I am using Unity 5.6.7f1 Personal


1 Answer 1


Your inspector is in Debug mode.

Click the three-dot ⋮ icon in the top-right of the Inspector tab, next to the lock icon, and select "Normal"

Debug Inspector

Normal Inspector

The constraints section then appears as a fold-out near the bottom.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Oh Thanks @DMGregory. Will check that out \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 17:33

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