I have this C# code for rotating the camera with the mouse:
public float mouseSensitivity = 100.0f;
public float clampAngle = 80.0f;
private float rotY = 0.0f; // rotation around the up/y axis
private float rotX = 0.0f; // rotation around the right/x axis
void Start()
Screen.lockCursor = true;
Vector3 rot = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;
rotY = rot.y;
rotX = rot.x;
void Update()
float mouseX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
float mouseY = -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
rotY += mouseX * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
rotX += mouseY * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
rotX = Mathf.Clamp(rotX, -clampAngle, clampAngle);
Quaternion localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotX, rotY, 0.0f);
transform.rotation = localRotation;
transform.parent.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, rotY, 0.0f);
The script is on the camera, and camera object is a child to the player object. Now I want to move the player object in the direction the camera is facing, how do I do this?