These are NOT solutions to our problem, but work-arounds.
METHOD A: Using only Unity 2019.3
After noticing that Avatar Definition its empty/none byt default in 2019.3 I used Create From This Model to have an actual avatar to deform my model:
Then, in order to define loop time/pose and clean up animation clip names, I had to CLONE (ctr+D) all animation clips in the Project window and apply animation clip attributes into the cloned one, like this:
Now you can have your animation clips working in your model.
METHOD B: Using only Unity 2019.3 + 2019.2
Import as always your FBX in a Unity 2019.2 project and be sure to go to Animation Tab in the inspector of the FBX, and mark any checkbox that force you to apply changes (in my case I checked Loop Time in Idle animation clip), now the metadata file will be updated with the info needed by 2019.3. Create a custom package and import it to your 2019.3 project, all the meta data and import properties will be there this time like shown in the picture below:
Hope this helps and that Unity guys fix this bug. This doesn't look like a configuration issue but a problem in this new version.