I am currently trying to understand the following wierd result. This is basically from deferred shading in monogame/XNA. For Comparison I also write the ViewSpace Position in a Buffer and the ViewSpace Depth in another buffer like so:
float4 viewPosition = mul(input.Position, WorldView);
depth = viewPosition.z;
(the depth value is sent to a rendertarget with surfaceformat vector2 = 2x32bit float), the position-buffer now looks like so:
(this is basically just a quad with a cube in the middle and some elevation in top left)
What I do now is I calculate the CornerFrustum on the CPU:
Vector3 cfrust = Vector3.Zero;
cfrust.Y = camera.FarClip * (float)Math.Tan(camera.FOV * 0.5f);
cfrust.X = cfrust.Y * camera.AspectRatio;
cfrust.Z = camera.FarClip;
The Fullscreen-quad is aligned with that frustum in mind:
new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(1, -1, 0), new Vector2(1, 1)),
new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-1, -1, 0), new Vector2(0, 1)),
new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-1, 1, 0), new Vector2(0, 0)),
new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(1, 1, 0), new Vector2(1, 0))
now in the VS I get the ViewRay / ViewDirection like this
output.ViewDirection = float3(-CornerFrustum.x * input.Position.x, CornerFrustum.y * input.Position.y, CornerFrustum.z);
in PS I now try to reconstruct the ViewPosition from ViewRay/Depth
float3 ViewRay = normalize(input.ViewDirection);
float Depth = tex2D(sampler_depth, input.UV).r;
float3 ViewPosition = Depth * ViewRay;
I should now have the ViewPosition of that pixel, right?
I am now converting this back to screen by
float4 ScreenPosition = mul(float4(ViewPosition, 1.0),Projection);
float2 ScreenUV = 0.5 * (ScreenPosition.xy / ScreenPosition.w) + float2(0.5,0.5);
if I now output that position to the screen I get this:
as the colors suggests, the Y-Axis is inverted? (It's negative now, so the corresponding channel is clamped to 0 in the output, basically inverting the colors)
This gives me trouble now, because as a consequence (this is used in a SSAO shader) the SSAO samples (hemisphere) are moved along the inverted y-axis as well.
I fear I am missing something, because the generated UVs are actually correct. As they sample the correct piece. If I use those "ScreenUV" to sample from the PositionBuffer I do get the correct result (the exact same as the first image). I just cannot understand, why the position is inverted in the y-axis (it's now pointing down instead of up.