i have a grid layout group containing buttons. My game must be playable with a joystick and so I have to navigate the buttons using horizontal/vertical input.
My problem right now is when the layout group first becomes visible. Once I click on a button (with my mouse), it becomes "selected" and I can navigate through the layout group with my keyboard and 'click' with spacebar. This functionality is all fine, except for the need to click the button with a mouse to set the first selection.
I've tried both of the following:
void buttonClicked() {
void Start () {
// this button is actually instantiated from a prefab,
// not shown here
Button btn = inventorySlot.button;
# attempt 1
# attempt 2
new BaseEventData(eventSystem)
both these commands do select the button, but they also inadvertently call the onClick
, and the button is clearly being clicked because it changes color (I have configured this through button opts in the inspector).
My question is - how can I "select" the button without clicking it?
I perhaps should also note, I am populating the layout group with buttons at runtime. Each button is intantiated from a prefab in Start()
(not showing that here). I only add the event listeners and try to select the button after it's already added to actual game objects in my scene.