
I am trying to do the top down project from scratch.

I can already get the actor to move toward the mouse click:

enter image description here

Only I need to keep clicking several times to change its path and keep walking indefinitely.

I would like to know how to keep it moving while I hold the mouse button.

In the previous version (4.21) this code below fit perfectly, so I managed to do that (the condition was a variable that only became false when I released the mouse button):

enter image description here

But now I can't make this connection (4.22).

I searched for some functions and even searched the new documentation for this loop (While Loop), but nothing worked.

Link (While Loop BP UE4):


Player Blueprint:

enter image description here

As I could do this before, you can see in the answer to this question:

How to make my character walk by clicking and holding the mouse button?


1 Answer 1


Why dont you do it in Tick ?

You still can set the boolean variable on input action - and then use EventTick with conjunction of delay and send the player to the mouse location.


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