I find myself coming on board a Unity project with an outsourced programming team. Our mobile game has a number of minigames and they have built them entirely out of UI elemetents, or raw images on only one or two canvas elements. Now, I know the term "wrong" is open to interpretation since the games are quite simple and they run fine on the modern devices we've tested them on.
However my somewhat perfectionist attitude often has me concerned about the "correct/best practice" way of doing things and I have a hard time letting go of the idea that this is not the best way to be developing the games. I look at the Unity best practices of not having too many elements in a canvas due to redrawing it anytime something changes, sprite renderers optimized polygon trimming as opposed to max rects to keep overdraw down, etc. And the response I get from the programming team is, "the screen-ratio ability of canvas elements makes it easy to handle different aspect ratios, so that's how we build games".
I don't want this to be a down voted "personal" question, so is there a more compelling reason to not build simple mobile games in this fashion? Or is it a case of if it works on targeted devices and isn't causing issues why not? Thanks in advance for any replies, Jaysin