Based on the image below, I have a curve (orange) which is a bezier sub-curve of an original curve (longer black curve). The original curve consists of a number of cubic bezier curves joined together. How can I move the sub-curve (which could be contain more than one cubic bezier curve) along it’s original curve whiles preserving its length?
Please note that the original curve/spline could be open or closed curve with the ends joining. I know that arc length is key to achieving this, but I’m not sure to do this.
The smaller curve was reduced using the solution from How to move points of a multi-segmented bezier curve to one side. DMGregory recommended Moving ships between two planets along a bezier, missing some equations for acceleration, which I have to admit I didn’t understand enough to fully utilise to solve my problem. One thing though that I took away from the solution was I needed to express the smaller curve as percentage of the original curve, so I implemented a slider as below.
public void ReplaceCurveWithSubCurve(float curveVal) {
subCurve = IntervalFromTo(curve, 0, curveVal);
In CurveEditor:
curveLengthValue = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Curve Length", creator.curveSizeValue, 0f, 1.0f);
if (!Mathf.Approximately(creator.curveSizeValue, curveLengthValue))
creator.curveSizeValue = curveLengthValue;
My general understanding is the original (full) curve say runs from some t = 0.0
to t = 1.0
and my sub curve at any given point is made of a subset of those values, so I need to change the values along the full curve whiles preserving the arc length. Below are the methods I use to calculate the arc length. My problem is how to tie all this together to arrive at a working solution.
public float SegLength(int segmentIndex)
var steps = 10;
var t = 1 / (float)steps;
var sumArc = 0.0f;
var j = 0.0f;
var a = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
var b = points[segmentIndex * 3];
var dX = 0.0f;
var dY = 0.0f;
var dS = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; j = j + t)
a = SegmentAtPoint(segmentIndex, j);
dX = a.x - b.x;
dY = a.y - b.y;
dS = Mathf.Sqrt((dX * dX) + (dY * dY));
sumArc = sumArc + dS;
b.x = a.x;
b.y = a.y;
return sumArc;
public float FullLength()
var totalLength = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < NumSegments; i++)
totalLength += SegLength(i);
return totalLength;