I want to procedurally create a polygonal shape filled with texture in unity 2d (no 3d meshes). Something that looks like this: https://www.conceptdraw.com/How-To-Guide/picture/landscape-plan/Building-Plans-Landscape-Garden-Design-Elements-Roofs.png
As you can see roofs can be rectangles, but also any polygonal shapes.
I have tried so far LineRenderer which outlines a shape but I see no way how to put a texture of the same shape into it.
I have tried sprites as well but I could not find a way to procedurally generate them
I saw an example of https://github.com/epezent/ShapeRenderer and https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/sprite-management/shapes2d-make-art-fast-62586
Ultimately I want something like https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/9SliceSprites.html for any polygonal shape
Can it be done in vanilla unity 2d? Or should I rely on 3rd party libraries and if so which one would fit best?
p.s. I will most likely overlay that object with PolygonCollider2d for physics