I'm using bullet to create a 2D topdown game. In my physics proof of concept, I can walk around and push a box. However, if I walk too fast the character goes through the box, instead of colliding with it. See gif:
This seems like a common thing to me. However, I cannot find other people having the same problem, so that's why I'm asking a question directly. I'm using a DiscreteDynamicsWorld with two rigid bodies which I step through at 60Hz.
- Why does this happen?
- Is there a way to tune bullet to support higher speeds and prevent this issue?
Help is very much appreciated.
Regarding the question about how I setup collision shapes:
btConvexHullShape shape;
shape.addPoint({-size, size, 0.0f});
shape.addPoint({size, size, 0.0f});
shape.addPoint({size, -size, 0.0f});
shape.addPoint({-size, -size, 0.0f});