
I'm trying to get access to the keyboard state in XNA from an embedded JavaScript runtime.

I'd like to do something similar to the following, but I can't seem to figure out how to get from "Left" to Keys.Left, in one line, for all 100+ keys or so.

js.SetParameter("XNA_Keyboard", new {
    keyDown = (Func<string, bool>)((name) => {
        return keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys[name]); // ! Can't index keys enum by name

Is there some kind of reflection that will make this easier?


1 Answer 1

js.SetParameter("XNA_Keyboard", new {
    keyDown = (Func<string, bool>)((name) => {
        return keyboardState.IsKeyDown((Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), name, false)); // ! Can't index keys enum by name

That should do the trick, assuming the names match the C# ones.


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