I am working on a freeroam, action RPG (before you read further, I am not noobish to programming, plus have friends to help with actual content rather than the base code). Anyway, I am trying in Skills to the game. I decided the movement-based skills and animations should be a priority, so I began integrating it in. The animations work fine, but alas my movement skill Athleticism is making the character move unrealistically fast at a higher skill. The skill ranged from 1 to 100. After realising I should do some calculations to make you go from normal to Sonic the Hedgehog, I am using this formula currently:
(Athleticism / Mathf.Sqrt(Athleticism)) * 0.05f * runMod;
This has helped, but it still looks weird. I need some help to make a formula that makes that the skill doesn't have such of a linear effect on the movement.
Trying to be specific. The player moves, currently about 0.05 walking units per second at Athleticism 10, which is nice. However, the movement rate at Athleticism 100 cranks up to 0.15 units, which is a little too fast. I am aiming for 0.1 instead.