Wondering generally how sounds are created for a large game such as Halo or Mario. Obviously 8-bit games probably used synthetic sounds (like regular Mario), and modern games have prerecorded voices in them. But I'm wondering sort of how much natural sounding synthetic sounds are used in a large game. In reading about documentaries and movies, a lot of the time they have microphones and go around in nature (or have a sound studio) and record "natural" sounds. Also, some of the iPhone sounds like the bell and whatnot sound like real sounds, though not sure if they were programmatically generated / synthetic.
More specifically, wondering what an example of a game is that uses synthetic sounds (that sound realistic) extensively. I would like to learn what is possible with synthetic sounds as opposed to natural sounds, to see how realistic they can be. Then from there I might be interested in looking into how those realistic synthetic sounds are made.