I am making an online single-player game (open beta here) with a huge emphasis on content creation and world design (sort of like Super Mario Maker or Little Big Planet but more designed for adventure or "short story" games). The default gameplay style is a sort of Zelda-esque action RPG but it can also handle things like platformers or arcade-style shooters. "Worlds" can vary greatly in scope, from a single short hallway to basically a full game.
In order to tie all of these diverse worlds together and make travel between them meaningful, I am using a universal currency (called Sparks) that world builders can use as collectibles and give as rewards for defeating enemies or completing challenges, and can also be used to purchase items and so on. To prevent their abuse and discourage boring "spark farming" worlds, the amount of sparks a player can take from a world is capped based on the amount of time they spent in that world, and the world builder is rewarded for another player exploring their world based on how close the player gets to obtaining a certain percentage of that cap, encouraging them to make it easy to obtain around that amount, and possible for a skilled player to acquire more (making it worthwhile for players to replay their world in order to master it) but not exceeding the cap.
Right now, the cap is one spark per second, and the "ideal average ratio" is one fifth of that. However, one point every five seconds seems far too low and unrewarding for most kinds of games, especially fast-paced arcade-style worlds where it is not uncommon to beat more than one basic enemy or pick up multiple collectibles per second. However, setting the cap too high can make spark collection feel meaningless since their total value just looks like "a big number".
I have done some searching for advice or writing on typical scoring rates for different game genres or even the psychological impact of using different scoring methods. I know that some old arcade games would add a few zeros to their score system to make things feel more rewarding but beyond that I could find very little writing on the subject. What is a typical "points per second" value that feels rewarding and can work for a large number of possible genres?