I hate to link to an existing answer, but the one I posted here might be useful: Wise approach to becoming good at C# XNA
Start by making something simple. Maybe a static sprite that moves
across the screen when you press certain buttons. Add some objects to
play with collision. Then when you feel comfortable with that work on
sprite animations, and a simple camera. It really isn't hard.
If you want a jump start, look at something like Flat Red Ball.
It is simple 2.5D game engine that might help. If you want to make
your own, look at this tile engine series. It will show you stuff
like how to make a camera, animations, collision, and the rest. There
is also this 2d tutorial series. I don't have a nice playlist for
it so you will have to search youtube for the different parts. For
even more resources, check out the ever-growing list of samples
on the App Hub site.
If you really want to take classes, I can vouch for
http://LearnVisualStudio.net. I know a few people who have taken them,
and have seen the content. It is presented nicely and easy to follow.
When in doubt, come back here and ask questions. The people here are
very responsive and helpful. If you need help on general
C#/programming concepts try http://stackoverflow.com. It is another
wonderful resource.