TL;DR: my goal is to gain the knowledge necessary to make these kinds of mountains from scratch.
Hello all,
sorry if this has already been asked, and sorry for any incorrect grammar.
I've been searching hard all over for tutorials and dissecting tilemaps but i just can't figure out how to actually go about making an original tileable mountain range.
some examples of what I'm trying to figure out;
first, a fire emblem map, this is ideal for the kind of maps i want to make for a project, but it just doesn't make sense to me how it looks so damn great and is tileable.
second is the same map tiles, dissected to 16x16 tiles;
doing this helped me find that the maps are not the normal 16x16 i thought they where, only increasing my confusion as to how the original arts started making them...
and third; the same 16x16 tileset, now dissected to 8x8 tiles... now its basically to small for me to make heads or tails of it, spent a few hours trying to put them together like a puzzle, but i can only make small mountains when the tiles are... so indistinguishable to me. I'm just still having a hard time understanding how they tile to extend into large mountain ranges.
if anyone has experience or input or even tutorials, just anything, I'd really appreciate it