I'm trying to implement a simple first person camera using pitch and yaw angles (no quaternions, I want a simple camera for debugging purposes). An Input class processes mouse input and translate the x and y position in the window into angles. Here's the code:
#define SENSITIVITY 0.01f
void Input::ProcessMouseInput(int x, int y, Camera &camera)
/* pitch and yaw angles */
static float pitch = 0;
static float yaw = 0;
/* initialize initial mouse position */
static int prev_x = x;
static int prev_y = y;
int offset_x = x - prev_x;
int offset_y = y - prev_y;
pitch += offset_y * SENSITIVITY;
yaw += offset_x * SENSITIVITY;
/* compute transformation matrix */
XMMATRIX pitchTransform = XMMatrixRotationX(pitch);
XMMATRIX yawTransform = XMMatrixRotationY(yaw);
XMMATRIX transform = XMMatrixMultiply(pitchTransform, yawTransform); // fps-like
//XMMATRIX transform = XMMatrixMultiply(yawTransform, pitchTransform); // airplane-like
/* transform camera direction - rotate camera */
XMVECTOR oldDirection = XMVectorSet(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
XMVECTOR newCameraDirection_ = XMVector3Transform(oldDirection, transform);
XMMATRIX oldView = XMLoadFloat4x4(&camera.GetInitialViewMatrix());
XMVECTOR det = XMMatrixDeterminant(oldView);
XMMATRIX inverse = XMMatrixInverse(&det, oldView);
XMVECTOR v = XMVector3TransformNormal(newCameraDirection_, inverse);
XMFLOAT3 newCameraDirection;
XMStoreFloat3(&newCameraDirection, v);
/* store current mouse position */
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
What I do is I calculate the direction vector in the view space and transform it with pitch/yaw rotations. Then I tranform the resulting vector in world space coordinates and update the camera direction. All works fine if the camera space x-z plane initial position is parallel to the world space x-z plane. If the camera is initially tilted downwards or upwards the movement is off (moving along the yaw direction causes a wobbling and the movement is incorrect). I can't find the problem as I think the calculations are correct (but they obviously aren't).
what I mean with odd behaviour is that when I create a camera that has starting position with a pitch wich is not zero I get mixed movements (pitch when yawing and yawing when pitching)