When designing a behaviour tree that controls an agent, is it possible to construct the tree so that the agent first attempts task A, then depending on whether task A succeeds it attempts either task B or task C? That is, if A succeeds, the agent attempts task B, otherwise it attempts task C? Kind of like the ternary conditional operator?
The following may at first glance seem to work:
* Selector
+---* Sequence
| |
| +---* A
| |
| +---* B
+---* C
or equivalently, Selector(Sequence(A, B), C)
. However, if A succeeds and B fails, the sequence will still fail and C will be attempted (which it shouldn't since A succeeded).
This tree does run B if A succeeds and C if A fails and never runs both B and C:
* Selector
+---* Sequence
| |
| +---* A
| |
| +---* B
+---* Sequence
+---* Inverter
| |
| +---* A
+---* C
or equivalently, Selector(Sequence(A, B), Sequence(Inverter(A), C))
. This is assuming that A yields the same result both times (oterwise either none of B and C will be attempted, or both will be attempted). However, this has the issue that will be attempted A twice if either either A or B fails.
What I want to achieve could be pseudo-coded like A ? B : C
or like B if A else C
. Can this be achieved with a behaviour tree?