So after a few hours of searching on the internet, I have yet to find a pleasing answer on how to handle moving platforms in a 2d platform game. So I decided to make a simple prototype where you interact with 2 different platforms, one that moves vertically and one horizontally. I would love some help to dissect and see what isn't working, and how to fix them. I have submitted the .fla file + .as file below, accompanied with a link to the playable .swf.
The goal is to make the Hero interact with the platforms as if they were solid objects that he can stand on, pushed alongside with, jump on/under etc etc.
The problems with my prototype are these:
When you stand on the horizontally moving platform, without moving (not touching any keys), the Hero moves along with platform, but with a slight delay causing hero to slide back a little.
When you stand on the horizontally moving platform, and jump, you move along with the platform midair (some games prefer having it like this, but it doesn't feel natural and is not wanted here). Which might be caused by the Hero retaining the velocity on the X-axis from the platform.
When you jump up to the bottom side on the vertically moving platform, whilst the platform is moving downwards, you sink inside it for a brief second. Hero penetrates through as if the collision was non existent for a moment.
When you jump on vertically moving platform, the veloctiy on Y-axis is retained, so when you walk off the platform, you fall down at a higher speed. With the speed of the retained velocity, + gravity that is added (this is mostly because I cant figure out a way to reset velocity on Y-axis to 0 when you land on the platform, without the player freezing midair).
I'm a novice programmer so I am sure there are BETTER ways to do this, and I would love to hear them all. Any ideas on how to improve the code or other methods in which you can implement moving platforms into a Tilebased game are welcome. In the end, I am trying to find a solid way to handle moving platforms in 2d platformers.
Playable SWF: (Move with arrow keys, Jump with X key, Run with Z key)
Sourcecode AS-file:
If you prefer just to read the code through Pastie online: