As per this answer: How to devise an algorithm for a person being on a walk? I tried to implement a simple path finding algorithm.
The map is 60x60 tiles total, and walkable tiles are even fewer:
(The reddish tiles are walkable and have weight of 1 (road), the greenish tiles have weight of 2 (grass), the white tiles are unwalkable)
I hoped that for such a small map there shouldn't be any performance issues. I was wrong. The game is supposed to run at 60fps. With the profiler enabled path finding can take up to 50ms! This means a few frames. Even with the profiler disabled the jitter is very visible. In this case I believe the algorithm would be unusable on any larger map. What am I doing wrong?
Here is the code for one character (The engine: RPG Maker MV):
GZKM.P1MomWalkMovement = function() {
var getTileWeight = function(tagId) {
return 1+((tagId&0x10)>>1)
$gameVariables._data[3] = $gameVariables._data[3] || {}
var state = ($gameVariables._data[3].P1MomWalkMovement = $gameVariables._data[3].P1MomWalkMovement || {})
state.goal = state.goal || null
var findgoal = function() {
var arr = []
for(var x = 0; x < $gameMap.width(); x++) for(var y = 0; y < $gameMap.height(); y++) if($gameMap.regionId(x,y)&0x1) arr.push({x:x,y:y})
state.goal = arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)]
var setMomMovement = function() {
var mom = this;
var evs = []
for(var x = 0; x < $gameMap.width(); x++) {
evs[x] = []
for(var y = 0; y < $gameMap.height(); y++) {
evs[x][y] = []
${return ev.isNormalPriority() && !ev.isThrough()}).forEach(function(ev){evs[ev.x][ev.y].push(ev)})
// Optimization attempt. RPGMaker's default checks for passability seem to be linear in the number of all events on map per tile.
// I tried to bring this down to O(1) per tile.
// No, I didn't profile this, b/c I don't have many events yet - but
// I plan to have more, so I wanted to be on a safe side.
var isCollidedWithEventsOld = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithEvents;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithEvents = function(x, y) {
return evs[x][y].length
var h = new GZKM.Heap()
var map = []
for(var x = 0; x < $gameMap.width(); x++) for(var y = 0; y < $gameMap.height(); y++) if($gameMap.regionId(x,y)&0x1) if(x != mom.x || y != mom.y)
map[[x,y]] = h.push(Infinity, {x:x,y:y})
map[[mom.x, mom.y]] = h.push(0, {x:mom.x, y:mom.y})
var curr; while((curr = h.pop()) !== undefined && curr.priority != Infinity && !(curr.elt.x == state.goal.x && curr.elt.y == state.goal.y)) {
for(var d = 2; d <= 8; d+=2) { // directions
var nx = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(curr.elt.x, d)
var ny = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(curr.elt.y, d)
if([nx,ny] in map && mom.canPass(curr.elt.x, curr.elt.y, d)) {
var candPriority = curr.priority + getTileWeight($gameMap.regionId(curr.elt.x,curr.elt.y))
if(candPriority < map[[nx,ny]].priority) {
h.reprioritize(map[[nx,ny]], candPriority)
map[[nx,ny]].elt.prev = curr
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithEvents = isCollidedWithEventsOld;
if(!('prev' in map[[state.goal.x, state.goal.y]].elt))
state.goal = null
else {
var t = map[[state.goal.x, state.goal.y]]
while(!(t.elt.prev.elt.x == mom.x && t.elt.prev.elt.y == mom.y))
t = t.elt.prev
var dir;
if(t.elt.x == mom.x+1) dir = 6
else if(t.elt.x == mom.x-1) dir = 4
else if(t.elt.y == mom.y+1) dir = 2
else if(t.elt.y == mom.y-1) dir = 8
if(state.goal === null) findgoal()
My heap implementation is here:
What am I doing wrong? How to fix the code and remove the jitter?
Edit: Sorry, I forgot to tell you. According to the profiler the game spends an unacceptably high amount of time in setMomMovement
. 1/2 - 1/3 of this time is the function's self time, the rest is mainly Game_CharacterBase.canPass
(RPG Maker's function... will I have to try to optimize it even more?) Around 1-2 ms is spent in my heap implementation: