I'm trying to implement a rain effect using shader, I use godot 3-alpha, which uses a simplified GLSL 3.0 language. But I'm just finding very complex examples for me, I understand little about shaders, I wanted to achieve something very basic even to be able to walk. I thought of doing the following, moving the texture with just a few painted pixels. Yet I still do not know where to start.
I found this code, I really wanted to understand what is done in it:
I managed to translate the code for godot 3, but it does not work very well, I believe this line is to blame:
What really is done that line? I can not understand what he does.
I did so:
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float direction;
uniform float velocity = 1.0;
uniform float intensity;
float snow(vec2 uv, float scale, float time)
float w = smoothstep(1.0,0.0,-uv.y*(scale/10.0));
if(w<0.1){return 0.0;}
uv.y-=time*velocity/scale; //VELOCITY
vec2 s=floor(uv);
vec2 f=fract(uv);
vec2 p;
float k=3.0;
float d;
vec2 t = (s*p*vec2(scale))*mat2(vec2(7.0, 3.0), vec2(6.0,5.0));
p.x = f.x;
return k*w;
void fragment(){
vec2 uv=(COLOR.xy*2.0-SCREEN_UV.xy)/min(SCREEN_UV.x,SCREEN_UV.y);
float c=smoothstep(1.0,0.3,clamp(uv.y*0.3+0.8,0.0,0.75));
c+=snow(uv, 30.0, TIME)*0.3;
c+=snow(uv, 20.0, TIME)*0.5;
c+=snow(uv, 15.0, TIME)*0.8;
c+=snow(uv, 10.0, TIME);
c+=snow(uv, 8.0, TIME);
c+=snow(uv, 6.0, TIME);
c+=snow(uv, 5.0, TIME);
c+=snow(uv, 2.0, TIME);
COLOR = vec4(vec3(c),0.5);
and this happens:
I have discovered that by decreasing the value I am passing to the scale, it increases the "particles", I mean how octaves in a noise, the smaller the number last, the greater the peaos generated. But my screen seems to be divided in two, cut by a diagonal line, I do not understand much because. I realize that here is the problem:
vec2 uv=(COLOR.xy*2.0-SCREEN_UV.xy)/min(SCREEN_UV.x,SCREEN_UV.y);
Up 1:
I managed to improve with this:
vec2 uv= UV;
now it's like this:
but what he wanted was to be able to pass three uniforms, direction, velocity and intensity, and to be able to control the direction (right equer), the speed with which they fall, the intensity (higher or lower particles, more or less drops). But I still do not understand how well it is done to do that. Even more that what I will do is rain, I have to understand what is done with the colors to get the idea of rain and not snow.
Up 2:
I was stirring here and the velocity, intensity and direction I was able to configure passing a uniform. But I can not change the color of the drops, it always comes out black and white. How would you put a blue color for example?
I try to change the color to red for example using the mix() function:
vec3 col2 = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 resultColor= mix(vec3(c), col2, 0.7);
COLOR = vec4(vec3(resultColor),0.3);
and I get this:
I wanted to change only the color of the drops?
R= I got it like this:
COLOR = vec4(vec3(0.3, 0.3, c),0.5);
but I'm not very fond of the result, it's very bright, and my breasts are too big, I'll fix it.