Since you've asked for a solution that involves little coding, I'd suggest using linked prefabs. The idea is to build a "library" of simple maneuvers and then chain them.
Pseudocode below, followed by an explanation:
"Move" class to represent a single maneuver:
public Vector2 velocity;
public float angularVelocity;
public float duration;
void execute(float stepSize, Transform avatar) {
//move avatar, e.g. avatar.Translate(avatar.forward * velocity * stepSize);
//rotate avatar
"MoveSet" class to represent an enemy's course:
public Vector2 spawnOffset; //optional, but if you need this, best put it here
public Move[] moves;
private int currentMove = 0;
private float moveTime;
bool execute(float stepSize, Transform avatar) {
moves[currentMove].execute(stepSize, avatar);
moveTime += stepSize;
if (moveTime >= moves[currentMove].duration) {
currentMove += 1;
moveTime = 0;
if (currentMove >= moves.Length)
return true; //move set finished - repeat set or despawn enemy etc.
return false;
In your enemy class, add a public MoveSet variable and call
myMoveSet.execute(time.fixedDeltaTime, gameObject.transform)
from FixedUpdate.
In your Move's and MoveSet's OnDrawGizmosSelected, call execute in a loop with a suitable step size and e.g. a Debug.DrawLine(lastPosition, transform.position) call after each step. Reset position after the loop.
How you'd use this:
Create empty GameObject, add "Move" script. The editor should draw an approximation of the path. Fine tune variables until you're satisfied, then save as prefab.
After you have a few "Move" prefabs, create a GameObject with a "MoveSet" component, drag "Move" prefabs into the array until you're satisfied with the course, then save as prefab as well.
Drag a "MoveSet" onto an enemy or assign at runtime. Spawn an instance of the "MoveSet" prefab before using it.
You'll probably have to expand this a little to suit your project, perhaps apply forces to a Rigidbody instead of moving directly, tweaking performance etc, but this should give you an idea of where to start.