I have following formula to check the intersection of two line segments:
Edge is defined like point2-point1 vector.
bool intersects(const Line2D& line2)
float s, t;
s = (-edge.y * (point1.x - line2.point1.x) + edge.x * (point1.y - line2.point1.y)) / (-line2.edge.x * edge.y + edge.x * line2.edge.y);
t = (line2.edge.x * (point1.y - line2.point1.y) - line2.edge.y * (point1.x - line2.point1.x)) / (-line2.edge.x * edge.y + edge.x * line2.edge.y);
if (s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
return true;
return false;
However I´m trying to figure out how to implement the "find the point of intersection" option for this as most of the answers with the same theme are "math based". Thanks for your help.