I have been making a board game and I am using cocos2dx. There are two scenes for now, One is main menu and the other is gameplay scene. When I run the apk on tablet with EXACT_FIT resolution policy in AppDelegate.cpp sprites in the scene seems stretched out a little bit. How can I maintain the same aspect ration in all devices and also the positions of game entities? Thanks.
2 Answers
In my games, I choose what is the priority dimension: width or height. If I choose to prioritize WIDTH, I set it in AppDelegate.cpp
glview->setDesignResolutionSize(resolutionSize.width, resolutionSize.height, ResolutionPolicy::FIXED_WIDTH);
and all my background images have enough height to cover all aspect ratios, based on my design resolution. For example, if my design resolution is 460 x 800, to cover a 19:9 screen we need a 460 x 971 background image.
Then, I set UI components position relative to the safeArea borders
auto safeArea = Director::getInstance()->getSafeAreaRect();
someSprite->setPosition(Vec2(safeArea.getMinX() + margin, safeArea.getMaxY() - margin));
Hope this answer helps you
resolution policy. Show all policy will scale up the container to the maximum size in the frame which shows all your content on screen with the original width/height ratio you have set. Read more here
C++ code:
glview->setDesignResolutionSize(designResolutionSize.width, designResolutionSize.height, kResolutionShowAll);