I'm designing a turn based game in which players profit from buying, transporting, and selling resources. Each turn, the map has to produce a certain number of resources and different locations, and resource prices have to be updated. Because of this, each round, after every player has taken their turn, the game state has to be updated; resources are consumed/produced, prices in each cell of the map need to be updated, etc. Originally, I was going to have a simple turn order, where each player took their turn, then the map is updated, then the cycle repeats in the same order. However, after a little bit of testing, it became clear that this gave a significant advantage to players who have their turn right after the map is updated. They're able to collect the newly produced resources before any one else has a chance to.
The easiest way I could think of to balance out the gameplay for all players is to randomize the turn order after each round. While this would give everyone a fair chance, I'm worried that this might be too big of a shift away from strategy and towards luck.
How might I eliminate asymmetrical gameplay caused by turn order?
1 / n * 100
percent before each players turn, wheren
is the number of players. If two people are playing, 50% of the updates get applied before each players turn. You can then randomize and build an algorithm that would decide what updates to apply at which turns. This makes it more fair and keeps the game flowing. \$\endgroup\$