I'm making a topdown 2.5D game (think the legend of zelda: a link to the past) using libgdx and box2D.
to simulate friction from a topdown perspective, i've set the gravity for the box2D world to 0, and added a friction joint to simulate friction with the floor.
this joint requires 2 bodies, one moving and one stationary and it slows down the moving one simulating friction.
my movable body is a dynamic body (player), and my stationary body (anchor) is a static body that is a sensor (to avoid collisions with bodies)
now I've increased the speed of the playable character, and it feels like he's skating over the ground.
I want to increase the friction, but after I'm not noticing any difference after changing variables.
the variables i've tried changing (that didn't seem to do anything) include:
- the .friction on the fixtureDef of either body (player + anchor)
- the size of the anchor
- the .maxForce of the joint
How do I increase the friction caused by a friction joint in libgdx's box2D implementation?