This is a question I've been meaning to ask. I have thought about it for a little bit and have a few ideas, but I'm not sure which is most secure, and will give me the most functionality with the most efficiency. For my game (being a story game) I have a plethora of strings that I'm going to need to display. I decided to split up the story into chapters, each chapter being a new scene(This way I could organize the content for the chapter). What I was thinking was that I could write regular text files with the chapter's content, while efficient and practical, this seems highly insecure. Then I thought, why not put it into large string arrays on a separate C# file. Well that's more secure, but it's not really practical and it has less efficiency. So I have found pretty much the two extremes here.
What would be the best way to deal with large amounts of strings in a secure, efficient, and functional way? Think about a happy medium compared to my two extremes.