I am new to algorithms but currently creating a little game with the need for some.
I have a 2d grid/board with a start and a finish field. Between those two fields are several platforms which can be entered. Each platform has a counter on it. When going on a platform the counter is decreased by one. If the counter reaches zero the platform is gone. The goal is to go to the finish field AND destroy every platform field. A little exmaple:
0 1 0
1 2 1
1 0 F
S 0 0
S being the Start field and F being the finish field the right path would be going UP, UP, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN.
All I could find so far were algorithms getting paths for mazes without counter. Do you have any tips for a algorithm that can decide, if the current maze if solvable or not and maybe even get the correct path?
Thanks in advance!