As David already mentioned, get a website and program an auto-updater for your projects. It works as follows:
When your game starts check for the server version located on your website in a file.
If the version is newer than your client one, you have to update.
Updating can be done by either downloading the whole project, or just the new and modified files, which saves time and unneccessary data transfers.
If you're game is small or you only have a few files, updating the whole project should be enough.
But if you want to update only the modified part of your game, you have to compare all your files with the files on your website. A fast way to determine a difference between two files is to first compare their size and if they're equal
copmare their hashes instead of the whole file, if any didn't match download the file.
Before uploading a new version, you create a file which contains all file paths, sizes, and hashes generated from each file, so that the client only has to download this file in orer to determine which files need to be downloaded.
Also don't forget to zip your files, before uploading.