I've made a class extending UObject to store player stats, and provide some static utility functions and variables. It gets instantiated in my PlayerController:
APuzzleProjectPlayerController::APuzzleProjectPlayerController() {
playerStats = NewObject<UPlayerStats>();
Everything compiles fine and the game logic works perfectly except for the fact that after a while (1 or 2 minutes of gaming) the non-static private variables change their value.
In the following code I've added some Dummy variables just to make sure that nothing was accessing/changing them during execution. They are only accessed by GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage to show their value.
class PUZZLEPROJECT_API UPlayerStats : public UObject
// Stats Const
static const uint8 MIN_STAT_VALUE = 1;
static const uint8 MAX_STAT_VALUE = 7;
// Stamina Pool Const
static const uint8 BASE_STAMINA_POOL = 199;
static const uint8 STAMINA_POOL_STEP = 8;
static const uint8 STAMINA_RECOVERY_VALUE = 3;
// Stats
uint8 strenght = 1; // Becomes 221
uint8 speed = 1; // Becomes 221
uint8 stamina = 1; // Becomes 221
uint8 staminaPool = BASE_STAMINA_POOL; // Updated by a function, still unconsistent after a while since stamina dependent
// These are never modified by my code, but get modified after a while like the Stats variables
uint8 dummyA = 3; // Becomes 221
const uint8 dummyB = 4; // Becomes 221
int dummyC = 5; // Becomes -572662307
const int dummyD = 6; // Becomes -572662307
enum SpeedSteps {WALK, RUN, SPRINT};
static const float TIMER_PRECISION;
static const uint8 MIN_STAMINA_POOL = 0;
static const uint8 MAX_STAMINA_POOL = 255;
static const float DELTATIME_STAMINA_LOSS;
static const uint8 STAMINA_RUN_LOSS = 2;
static const uint8 STAMINA_SPRINT_LOSS = 32;
uint8 getStrenght();
uint8 getSpeed();
uint8 getStamina();
uint8 getStaminaPool();
static uint8 getStaminaDelta(SpeedSteps speedStep, bool isIdle);
void setStrenght(uint8 value);
void setSpeed(uint8 value);
void setStamina(uint8 value);
Now, I'm a bit rusty with C++ (I work as Java & PL/SQL programmer), but I really don't know what's wrong here. The variables in the other three classes I have (default third person game mode, character and custom player controller) don't seem to be affected by the same issue.
Thanks for any suggestion you might have.