so for a game I am developing I am giving a go at deferred shading. I have only implemented entity rendering and an initial deferred shader and rendering the scene using OpenGLs FBO multiple render targets. I am facing an issue where the entity fragment positions do not stay in the FBO, or load the data correctly and I do not know. The code I have is open source on git but the two shaders I am working with are attached below. Thank you for any help!
// entityFragment.glsl
#version 130
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_colour;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 out_position;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 out_normal;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 out_additonal;
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D colourTexture;
layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D normalMapTexture;
varying vec2 textureCoords;
varying vec4 entityPosition;
varying vec3 surfaceNormal;
varying vec4 positionRelativeToCam;
varying vec3 toCameraVector;
uniform bool useNormalMap;
uniform float transparency;
void main(void) {
vec4 textureColour = texture(colourTexture, textureCoords);
vec3 unitNormal = normalize(surfaceNormal);
if (textureColour.a < 0.5){
if (useNormalMap) {
vec4 normalMapValue = 2.0 * texture(normalMapTexture, textureCoords, -1.0) - 1.0;
unitNormal = normalize(;
out_colour = textureColour;
out_colour.a = min(out_colour.a, transparency);
out_position = entityPosition;
out_normal = vec4(unitNormal, 0.0);
out_additonal = vec4(0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// deferredFragment.glsl
#version 130
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_colour;
varying vec2 pass_textureCoords;
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D colourTexture;
layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D positionTexture;
layout(binding = 2) uniform sampler2D normalsTexture;
layout(binding = 3) uniform sampler2D additonalTexture;
layout(binding = 4) uniform sampler2D shadowMapTexture;
const int NUMBER_LIGHTS = 32;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform mat4 shadowSpaceMatrix;
uniform float shadowMapSize;
uniform float shadowDistance;
uniform vec3 lightsColour[NUMBER_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 lightsPosition[NUMBER_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 lightsAttenuation[NUMBER_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 fogColour;
uniform float fogDensity;
uniform float fogGradient;
const float transitionDistance = 85.0;
const float tileAmount = 50.0;
const float shadowDarkness = 0.6;
void main(void) {
vec4 colour = texture2D(colourTexture, pass_textureCoords);
vec4 position = texture2D(positionTexture, pass_textureCoords);
vec4 normal = texture2D(normalsTexture, pass_textureCoords);
vec4 additonal = texture2D(additonalTexture, pass_textureCoords);
float specular = additonal.r; // g, b, a
vec4 positionRelativeToCam = viewMatrix * position;
vec4 shadowCoords = shadowSpaceMatrix * position;
float distanceAway = length(;
distanceAway = distanceAway - ((shadowDistance * 2.0) - (transitionDistance));
distanceAway = distanceAway / transitionDistance;
shadowCoords.w = clamp(1.0 - distanceAway, 0.0, 1.0);
float shadowTexelSize = 1.0 / shadowMapSize;
float shadowHalfw = shadowTexelSize * 0.5;
float shadowTotal = 0.0;
float shadowValue = 0.0;
float shadowShadeFactor;
shadowValue = texture(shadowMapTexture, shadowCoords.xy + vec2(0 + shadowHalfw, 0 + shadowHalfw)).r;
if (shadowCoords.x > 0.0 && shadowCoords.x < 1.0 && shadowCoords.y > 0.0 && shadowCoords.y < 1.0 && shadowCoords.z > 0.0 && shadowCoords.z < 1.0) {
if (shadowValue < shadowCoords.z) {
shadowTotal += shadowDarkness * shadowCoords.w;
shadowValue = texture(shadowMapTexture, shadowCoords.xy + vec2(shadowTexelSize + shadowHalfw, 0 + shadowHalfw)).r;
if (shadowValue < shadowCoords.z) {
shadowTotal += shadowDarkness * shadowCoords.w;
shadowValue = texture(shadowMapTexture, shadowCoords.xy + vec2(0 + shadowHalfw, shadowTexelSize + shadowHalfw)).r;
if (shadowValue < shadowCoords.z) {
shadowTotal += shadowDarkness * shadowCoords.w;
shadowValue = texture(shadowMapTexture, shadowCoords.xy + vec2(shadowTexelSize + shadowHalfw, shadowTexelSize + shadowHalfw)).r;
if (shadowValue < shadowCoords.z) {
shadowTotal += shadowDarkness * shadowCoords.w;
shadowShadeFactor = 1.0 - (shadowTotal / 4.0);
} else {
shadowShadeFactor = 1.0;
float visibility = clamp(exp(-pow((length( * fogDensity), fogGradient)), 0.0, 1.0);
out_colour = vec4((colour * shadowShadeFactor).xyz, colour.a);
out_colour = mix(vec4(fogColour, 1.0), out_colour, visibility);