VR is already at a point where it can render some impressive 3D landscapes. But it is awful at rendering text. This renders things like VR Desktop as basically unusable.
Question: Why is text resolution so bad in VR? I'm talking about from a technical standpoint?
EDIT: Here is a quote from an article about text resolution in VR:
“Text is tough in VR. It’s hard to read, given the resolution of today’s HMDs and it’s hard to write, since you’re typically blind in a headset and it’s annoying to be tied to a keyboard at a desk when you’d rather walk and move around in VR. I tolerate these problems with RiftSketch by making the text in the editor extremely large. I can only see 20 lines of code at a time in VR whereas my physical desktop has a 4K monitor where I’m usually looking at 140 lines of code per file with several files open side-by-side.”
My question is why, from a technical perspective, is this the case? If we can render i.e. Shrek in VR, why can't we render clear text?