I want to
- gradually stop the car animation as it collides with another car
- gradually speed up the car animation as it exits the collider
I have two ways to achieve this.
- Update
- Co-routine
For co-routine I used this piece of code:
IEnumerator IncreaseSpeedGradually1(AnimationControlSpeed lastGOHitScript)
//stop if decrease speed in progress
float decrementValue = ((lastHitVehicleSpeed / 2) * 2);
while (lastGOHitScript.Speed <= lastHitVehicleSpeed)
lastGOHitScript.Speed += decrementValue * Time.deltaTime;
yield return 0;
//setting speed to the last speed
lastGOHitScript.Speed = lastGOHitScript.iniSpeeed;
and for the update-based approach I just added this criteria to the method:
if (carAnimState == carAnimationState.starting)
carAnimState = carAnimationState.running;
if (carAnimState == carAnimationState.stoping)
carAnimState = carAnimationState.running;
These are the two ways I thought about using. I wanted to ask which is right way to do this job? To slow down animation speed and hence get my objective? I guess co-routines can be problematic later in my game. Are there performance concerns for using one of the approaches?