I am making an iphone opengl es 1.0 game. I am using a fixed timestep with interpolation on the end. One thread only. I am using CADisplayLink to fire the game loop.
First question: is it okay to use CADisplayLink to fire the game loop? i am targeting > 3.1 so that's not an issue.
Real question: What's the proper way to handle user touch input as it relates to my gameloop and adding state to my game. For example lets say when the user touches the screen i want to fire a bullet. I've read that I don't want to actually update my game state in my touch handler function. But I should instead record that touch in an array or something and then on the next gameloop update(dt) i go through the array and updated my game state based on the array items.
is this correct? shouldn't i be storing a timestamp of each touch so i know exactly how to inject it into my game?