
I'm trying to draw an Earth, as I've found the textures in this site: http://planetpixelemporium.com/earth.html

I loaded the diffuse, specular and bump maps:

let earthGeometry = SCNSphere(radius: radius)

let earthMap = UIImage(named: "Earth_map")
let earthBump = UIImage(named: "Earth_bump")
let earthSpec = UIImage(named: "Earth_specular")

earthGeometry.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents = earthMap
earthGeometry.firstMaterial!.specular.contents = earthSpec

let earth = SCNNode(geometry: earthGeometry)

But there is no property for the bump map. The only way that comes to my mind is to use a MDLMaterial but I see no way to convert the material back to a SCNMaterial. The method:

+ (instancetype)materialWithMDLMaterial:(MDLMaterial *)mdlMaterial

Runs just in Objective-C and not in Swift. Does anyone know how to convert it to a SCNMaterial, or alternatively to use another way to apply a bump map in a SCNMaterial?


2 Answers 2


There isn’t a built-in way to apply a grayscale bump map like the one you have; what SceneKit expects is a normal map. It’s pretty straightforward to convert one into the other, though; there’s even an online tool available to do so here.


The property you want to apply your texture to is called "normal", for normal mapping. You can find the documentation for this property here.

let earthGeometry = SCNSphere(radius: radius)

let earthMap = UIImage(named: "Earth_map")
let earthBump = UIImage(named: "Earth_bump")
let earthSpec = UIImage(named: "Earth_specular")

earthGeometry.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents = earthMap
earthGeometry.firstMaterial!.specular.contents = earthSpec
earthGeometry.firstMaterial!.normal.contents = earthBump

let earth = SCNNode(geometry: earthGeometry)

As you can see in this image from the documentation, this works with a tangent space normal map:

Normal map diagram

Here the pale blueish-lavender colour represents a surface normal pointing straight out from the sphere, while the other colours represent normals tilted east/west/north/south by hills and valleys. If your bump map is in a different formal (like a greyscale heightmap), then you can use various tools to convert it to this coloured normal map format.


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