I'm moving my sphere on the screen using this method:
Matrix4 m = myBall.body.getCenterOfMassTransform();
Vector3 translation = new Vector3();
float multiplier = delta * 4 * game.platform.accelerometerFactor();
movement = new Vector3(Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY() * multiplier, 0, Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX() * multiplier);
Then I would like to rotate my sphere during movement. So I counted angle which sphere should be rotated and then applied it before I call myBall.body.setCenterOfMassTransform(m) using:
float x = movement.x;
float z = movement.z;
Vector3 axis = new Vector3(z, 0, -x);
m.rotate(axis, angle);
But the sphere is rotating strangely. Where is the problem in my process of rotation?
a = (z,0,-x)
or not? \$\endgroup\$