I'm struggling with how to get the ball to change the bounce based on where it hits on the paddle. Normally in a pong game, the angle changes, depending on how far from center the ball bounces, and which direction of the center it bounces. I managed to do something like that:
//rb = rigidbody, velOnPaddleHit = predefined float
float dist = transform.position.x - paddle.position.x;
dist = transform.position.x > paddle.position.x ? dist : -dist;
dist /= paddle.localScale.x/2;
dist *= velOnPaddleHit;
rb.addForce(dist, 0,0);
But it's just not working / it's weird. Can anyone help me?
Edit: Here's the video showing this kind of behaviour. When the ball hits the left side of the paddle, it goes left, the velocity doesn't matter