Right now, I'm planning a new FPS single-player Half-Life 2/Call of Duty: Black Ops/Crysis 2-like, and I'm trying to determine what game engine should I use. Right now, my team is me, as a programmer, and only one models/textures artist, so each model takes us a lot of time.
I thought about:
- Source Engine - because it has a lot of existing content I can use to write my game much more quickly. The main disadvantage of Source is that it lacks in the graphics area (especially in vegetation).
- Unity - the ability to use C#, which is my favourite programming language. It is perfect when it comes to graphics, but it doesn't have so much existing content like Source. Plus, it is cross platform.
I also thought about some open source game engines, but most of them (Ogre3D, for example) lacks in development speed and some graphics capabilities.
If there was some model/textures/sound repository (not necessarily free, but also not really expensive), I'd use Unity.
UDK is not an option, as it doesn't give me access to native code and I'll need to use some libraries wrriten in C++.
Are there any more advantages/disadvantages to each engine? Feel free to suggest new game engines. Also, in your opinion, what game engine should I use? Do you know some content repository I can use?