I've seen a lot of questions about this problem, but really no solution. Hopefully I can explain the issue well enough that I can get some sort of closure on this problem.
I'm using a Fixed Time Step based on the code found here : GAFFER ON GAMES / Fix Your Timestep! , and with that method I'm using an accumulator
value to compensate for any slowdowns or speedups in the frame rate. Typically the time between frames is between 15.5 and 17.5 ms (with the fixed rate aiming for 1000/60 fps). What ends up happening is this:
That green chart is showing the accumulator. Which freaks out once the accumulator gets beyond 1000/60 fps. At this point you can see that because of the variance between refresh rates (15.5-17.5) sometimes the accumulator is above or below the threshold of 16.66666666... until it eventually gets to a point that the accumulator is too big to be negated by the next frame variance.
If I simply ignore the refresh rate and assume a constant 60fps the flutter never occurs, so its shouldn't be a vsync issue (right?), it's not the GC kicking in. It's an issue with this part of the code:
accumulator += frameTime;
while ( accumulator >= dt )
accumulator -= dt;
I realize the issue is when the accumulator hits ~0 it actually starts doing double updates and skipping updates for a while causing the flutter/stutter look.
It's very possible that I'm just not understanding how the accumulator is suppose to work, or perhaps the variance in screen refreshing is too much for this to work well.
Thanks in advance!
Here is a screen cap of an output log showing how the variance in frameTime is causing the update call to double up and skip.
The items in red are when the accumulator never gets to 16.66666666...
For the time being I'm 'fixing' the issue by never letting the accumulator to get below the frameTime variance, but this doesn't feel like a real answer, just a patch.
if(accumulator < 1){
accumulator = 1.5;
Perhaps this bit will help explain. If you start the accumulator at 0 and the first frame takes 15.89999ms, we don't update anything, and then if the next frame is 17.55555ms we now have (~33.44ms) so it updates twice. The more the variance in the frameTime the worse the problem.
I've noticed plenty of people with this issue, and typically the conversation ends with no posted solution, it either "goes away" or the thread dies.
gets to 0 that the issue occurs, because thats the only point>
a constant ofdt
can flip flop if theframeTime
has enough variance. These results change based on the device, with little variance you would probably never notice the issue, but with enough you see the variance at a fairly constant rate (in my case every ~20s). \$\endgroup\$